
I want to extend a special thanks to a few people without whom this website and my work would not be possible.

Philip Heselton's thoughtful emails and willingness to share his work has been a wonderful help.

Rev. T. Allen Greenfield was especially gracious in sharing his thoughts and research with me as well as allowing me to reproduce pictures of the O.T.O. Charter and his letters from Doreen Valiente.

Thanks to Dr. Chas Clifton, Dr. Ronald Hutton, and Melissa Seims for their encouragement and sharing their own research.

Thanks to the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic for sharing their archive of correspondance between Gardner and Cecil Williamson.

Thanks to the many others who have been in touch with tips, corrections, and facts as well as to others whose struggle and research have made it possible to study Gerald Gardner and Wicca in a public and academic way.

Finally, thanks to my Gardnerian famiglia, near and far.